DIY Wheeling Storage Crate {your pick}

diyi wheeling storage crate

Remember Colleen?  She sent in the fabulous Urban Chic Polka Dot Table…well we are in for another treat!  Today Colleen shares a simple & clever DIY using an old crate she picked up at a local flea market.  Simply clean the crate and attach wheels for your very own wheeling vintage storage crate–instant, rustic chic organization.  Don’t ya just love these up-cycled creations?!

Colleen (of Farmhill Furniture & Salvage) shares the story of how she remedied growing paper clutter, and turned a mess into a rustic chic mobile file organizer…

Colleen writes, “…basically just make sure the crate is good, sturdy and clean. Grab your tools and supplies supplies and tools, small wheels or casters and screws that FIT the holes in your wheels and a screwdriver…

…I got my wheels at a local flea market but a salvage yard or a hardware store will have them too…

wheels for crate…the wheels went in with great ease, especially since the crate is older.  I eyeballed lining up the wheels but you could make chalk marks and measure (with a ruler) if you want to. It was easy and fun!”

  Share your thoughts and rate Colleen’s Wheeling Storage Crate below!

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4 responses to “DIY Wheeling Storage Crate {your pick}

  1. Jordan,

    Thank you very much for showing my upcycle! I’m enjoying the crate a lot more WITH the wheels. It made all the difference. :0) I think I might also paint something on the side like a (big) white, flower or the word NEAT!


  2. Did this in my boys room! I found an old rectangular wooden crate at a church yard sale for $3. I checked for height and it would fit under my boys’ bunk beds with rollers for ease. It works great for their bigger toys and rolls out of the way in a small room! My husband thought I was crazy when I told him what I did! I can’t wait to show him this post and show him there are other people who think like me!! Thanks! 🙂

  3. That’s give me an idea with an old office chair I have. Maybe i can buy the wheels in a garage sale, but here in Puerto Rico there aren’t so many. Maybe in Home Depot or Kmart. Thank you for the idea. Love it!!!!

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