Cooking With CBD Oil: The Top CBD Oil Recipes to Help You Chill Out

CBD Oil Recipes

CBD has many proven benefits. It can help relieve pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and can even help with cancer-related symptoms.

Plus, the World Health Organization says that there is no information to indicate that users are prone to addiction or dependency. It’s been deemed well-tolerated and safe in both animals and humans.

Plus, there are so many different ways to consume it.

There are so many CBD oil recipes that can change your life for the better. But what are they? If you’re new to CBD, you may be unsure of how to try it out. And if you’ve been enjoying the benefits for a while now, you might be looking for new ways to enjoy this wonderful cannabinoid.

Keep reading to learn some of the top CBD oil recipes that will help chill you out.

CBD Oil Gummies

Knowing how to make gummies isn’t as hard as you might think. All you need are the following ingredients:

  • CBD oil (look for one that contains 100mg CBD per 1ml of oil)
  • Grass-fed collagen gelatin
  • Concentrated tart cherry juice (or another juice of your choice)
  • Raw honey (or another sweetener of your choice)
  • Gummy molds

Get all your ingredients together. You don’t have to use raw honey. Silicone molds are the easiest and most efficient to use. Once you have all your ingredients, you’ll be able to make your CBD oil gummies in these few simple steps.

Heat the juice in a saucepan, to a light simmer.

Next, whisk in your gelatin and honey, and stir for about a minute (until the ingredients are combined).

Turn off the heat, and add two milliliters of CBD oil. Give your mixture one final whisk.

Then pour the mixture into your mold! You can pour it into a small pitcher first to ensure that you don’t spill.

Wait an hour before you remove your gummies from the mold. Once you’ve done so, you can store them in the fridge for up to 10 days.

Check out for some other great CBD oil options.

CBD Chocolate Coconut Fat Bombs

These CBD chocolate coconut fat bombs are the perfect addition to your morning or afternoon coffee.

All you need for ingredients are:

  • 10-20 mg CBD oil
  • 1/2 cup raw cacao powder
  • 1/2 cup coconut butter
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey (or another sweetener of your choice)
  • Silicon muffin pan

Once you have all your ingredients, just follow these steps to make your delicious, calming treat!

Melt the coconut oil on low heat in a saucepan until it’s liquified. Whisk in the cacao powder until any lumps are gone. Add any sweetener and stir until it’s dissolved.

Pour the mixture into 6 cups of your muffin pan and then refrigerate for 30 minutes to an hour.

While your first mixture cools in the fridge, melt the coconut butter in another saucepan until it’s liquified. Take it off the heat and whisk in your CBD oil. Add the coconut mixture to the top of each muffin cup once the original mixture is firm. Then refrigerate for another 30 minutes to an hour and enjoy!

Keep your fat bombs in the fridge for freshness.

There Are Hundreds of Great CBD Oil Recipes

While we only mentioned two CBD oil recipes, there are many different variations you can create with just those two. CBD oil is great for cooking. You can enjoy the amazing benefits of CBD oil in your morning smoothie, with coffee, or in almost any food throughout the day.

Want to know how CBD can help with motherhood or how to take a load off by going for a walk in nature?

Check out some of our other articles for more life-improving tips.

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