Paper Mache Newsprint Ornaments [DIY]

handmade octopus christmas ornament

One of my favorite things about Christmas is setting up the tree and admiring all the ornaments I’ve collected through the years.  Most of my ornaments have either come from places I’ve visited or bring back special memories.  This year, I decided to make a few of my own ornaments after I discovered these amazing Newsprint ornaments on Terrain…


After falling in love with these ornaments, I figured I might be able to make my own DIY version!  I ended up creating a few different ornaments, but the first was the funky flamingo!  So I started off with a simple paper mache recipe:  3 parts flour to one part water, and a dash of salt.

Next, I added a bit of paint to give the flamingo it’s pink color.  I used a transparent gloss enamel paint by Deco Art because I wanted to be sure the newsprint on my flamingo would show through, all while keeping it’s signiture pink color.  I slowly mixed in the paint until I arrived at the perfect pink color…is it true that flamingos are pink because they eat shrimp?  I’ve always wondered….??

Next, I used 16 gauge wire to create my flamingo body…this took a bit of time to get it just right…

I stuffed a little paper inside the flamingo’s belly to keep it’s shape! Next, I cut newspaper into small strips to get it ready for the paper mache…

To apply the newsprint to the flamingo, I dipped it into my flour, water and paint mixture then simply stuck it onto the flamingo’s body…

I applied two coats of newspaper to the flamingo then let it sit out and dry for about two hours.   He looked great after this, but I decided he needed a bit more color, so I used the Americana transparent gloss paint again and brushed on a very light coat.

My flamingo ornament turned out so great, I decided I would make a few more animal ornaments to go along with him!  I ended up making a whale, seahorse, and a silly octopus…these are the colors used to create them (by Deco Art, Americana):

Here are the rest of my Newsprint ornaments!

Which newsprint ornament is your favorite?

Feeling extra creative?  Check out Deco Art Paint’s 12 Days of Christmas for many more Christmas ornament ideas using their paints!

You can find these ornaments available for purchase at Picklee on Spring!


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